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The Temple of the Feathered Serpent

Item #: SCP-4959

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: All tunnels leading towards SCP-4959's chamber have been sealed with reinforced gates. A large live animal is to be deposited down a constructed shaft into the chamber weekly.

Description: SCP-4959 is an animate, decomposed pterosaur occupying a large stone chamber underneath the Temple of the Feathered Serpent in Teotihuacan, Mexico. Foundation paleontologists have determined that SCP-4959 is an abnormally large (~50 m wingspan) azhdarchid pterosaur, related to Quetzalcoatlus or possibly Hatzegopteryx.

Approximately 70% of SCP-4959's flesh is missing, leaving its skeleton exposed and visible. The remainder of SCP-4959's flesh appears necrotic but shows no signs of decaying further. SCP-4959 is anomalously resistant to damage and decay. Samples taken show no abnormalities from expected composition except for high concentrations of iridium. SCP-4959's eye sockets are empty but luminesce with a bright green light. When agitated, SCP-4959 may also emit a multicolored corona of fire from its wings, skull, and neck.

Extensions and wings of the main underground chamber contain several hundred animated bony humanoid and pterodactyloid constructs, designated SCP-4959-A. These constructs are composed mainly of bones attached to a central, ossified heart through unknown means, and are often adorned with strips of decayed fabric, feathers, or precious stones.

SCP-4959 is carnivorous. As its great size prevents it from leaving its chamber, SCP-4959-A instances are nocturnally deployed through various hidden tunnels to hunt and provide SCP-4959 with live food, usually birds, lizards, or other small animals. SCP-4959-A instances bring their live prey in front of SCP-4959, which consumes them whole. SCP-4959 is also known to consume SCP-4959-A instances on occasion.

The walls of SCP-4959's chamber exhibit severe burn damage, and all of the originally constructed tunnels leading to the surface were collapsed. New tunnels appear to have been crudely dug by SCP-4959-A instances.

Study of murals and carvings within the chambers suggest the Temple of the Feathered Serpent was built atop it. Most murals are incomplete or damaged but depict several common themes:

  • SCP-4959 was believed to be an avatar of the Feathered Serpent or another unknown deity.
  • Human sacrifices were offered to SCP-4959 on important days.
  • SCP-4959 possessed a "heart", depicted as a large gem ("red as blood and bright as the rising sun"), that was placed at the pinnacle of the temple.

Supported by para-archaeological findings and historical tradition, Foundation historians suggest that an internal uprising occurred in the sixth century AD, stemming from conflict over SCP-4959's identity. The usurpers denounced SCP-4959 as a false god and attempted to kill it. When they suffered great losses failing this, they instead sealed SCP-4959 underground and wrested control of Teotihuacan.

After this, SCP-4959 itself disappears from the historical record; while its gem is noted to be sought after for its alleged properties of longevity.

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