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Item #: SCP-4749 Level 3/4749
Object Class: Euclid Classified

Special Containment Procedures: The Northrop Hotel has been purchased by the Foundation with all employee positions operated by undercover Foundation agents. The men's restroom of the second floor is to be closed off to the public and locked up citing sanitary issues as the reasoning. No other containment procedures are necessary.

UPDATE: The men's restroom of the second floor has been sealed off with concrete in a new segment of the wall taking the restroom door's place (See Addendum 4749.02 for more information). Personnel are to ignore any sounds or noises that may emanate from the wall. Personnel are to remain observant of any unusual vermin, large holes, and foul-smelling odors and report these to the HMCL supervisor.


Fig 1.1: SCP-4749

Description: SCP-4749 refers to an enMotion1 brand paper towel dispenser located in the men's restroom on the second floor of the Northrop Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. The primary anomalous property of SCP-4749 manifests as a seemingly infinite amount of paper towels. Sheets removed from SCP-4749 are non-anomalous and do not appear to have any other function other than to dry human hands.

SCP-4749's secondary anomalous property is the effect that occurs in its environment when the towel sheets are pulled. When pulled, the restroom will simultaneously begin to degrade in condition depending on the amount of paper towels removed. As the restroom's form distorts, organisms and pests such as rats, cockroaches, and worms manifest. These animals are also affected by SCP-4749 as the entities begin to distort into grotesque and malformed creatures bearing little to no resemblance of their original forms2. This effect, can be reversed by rolling the paper towel roll back in its place, causing all deterioration within the restroom to gradually disappear3, bringing the restroom to its original quality. Further description pending.

Addendum 4749.01: Exploration Logs

Addendum 4749.02: 08/07/2015 Incident

On August 7th, 2015, Foundation agents reported a foul-smelling odor emanating from the storage room in the third floor kitchen. Upon investigation of the smell, it was discovered that the scent came from a large hole in the corner of the wall. Closer inspection of the hole prompted a massive influx of creatures resembling vermian entities to spawn from the hole and overwhelm the kitchen and staff in the second and third floors of the hotel. Mobile Task Force Lambda-12 ("Pest Control") responded and were quickly dispatched to deal with the threat. The invading vermin present appeared to have physical traits and qualities similar to that of rats but grossly misshapen with matted fur and deformed features. Among these was the presence of insectoid legs and antennae, thick segmented tails, and humanlike hands and faces. DNA testing of the creatures revealed a close relation to organisms belonging to the orders of Megadrilacea, Blattodea, Rodentia, and Primates.

During cleanup, one of the creatures had a message carved into its abdomen with a small, sharp piece of a ceramic tile. The message is transcribed below:

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