
Light. Hurts. Bed. Hurts. Vessel. Hurts. Dark. Cramped. Why?

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SCP- 3335
Item#: {$item-number}
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:

INCIDENT LOG 3335.1: SCP-3335-1 Emergent Event I

On ██/██/████, an unknown portion of civilians in the New York City area that were known users of SCP-3335 became comatose (now designated SCP-3335-1). According to eyewitness reports by other users of SCP-3335, prior to this, victims were seen staring at a "hole" in the ground. Subjects that walked to this area immediately syncopated without warning. All affected subjects have remained comatose since the event.

INCIDENT LOG 3335.2: SCP-3335-1 Event I Update

Individuals continued to experience this phenomenon, and with no pattern or risk factors identified, Foundation-made ad campaigns are deployed to demonize the use of SCP-3335, as well as its users, within the public eye. After the number of unconscious individuals surpassed ten thousand, the O5 Council held a conference with the Emergent Tactical Threat Response Authority (ETTRA) and Ethics Committee to discuss potential options. Suggestions included adulterating large supplies of SCP-3335 with toxic additives, novel counteragents, and/or analogues with far higher receptor affinity than SCP-3335, all of which failed to pass Council vote due to various logistical concerns. A motion was passed to increase plainclothes Foundation agents deployed to areas of interest, such as known hotspots for illicit activity, entertainment venues, rehabilitation centers reporting higher-than-average rates of SCP-3335 abuse, etcetera.

Widespread amnestic dispersal is considered, should the rate of SCP-3335-1 manifestation fail to decrease. The possibility of an emergency United Nations Security Council summit was also discussed, which would be used to coordinate various international efforts with the wider community.

ADDENDUM 3335.1: Civilian Interview Record I

INCIDENT LOG 3335.3: SCP-3335-1 Emergent Event II

On ██/██/████, a surge of cases were reported involving SCP-3335-1 instances re-awakening with substantial alterations in personality and physiology. Extreme mood swings, visceral reaction to sensory input of any kind, along with overwhelming compulsions to isolate in small and unlit spaces with other SCP-3335-1 instances have been observed.

Affected individuals have shown marked increase of adrenaline and cortisol present in blood testing, as well as a higher blood concentration of SCP-3335.

Electroencephalography (EEG) tests yielded unusual patterns of electrical activity in the brains of SCP-3335-1 instances, similar in effect to those who have undergone partial-to-full corpus callosotomy procedures.5 As a result, many subjects develop symptoms similar to, but notably different from, callosal disconnection syndrome, also known as "split-brain" disorder.

When an affected subject appears to have acquired symptoms of callosal disconnection syndrome, hemispheres of their brain will take on attributes of their own and deprive the other hemisphere of existing attributes. This results in separate impulses and perceptions for both halves of the subject's body.

Unlike documented cases of callosal disconnection, both hemispheres of SCP-3335-1 instances develop into their own consciousness, one of which may retain some personality traits of the original individual. Retained personality traits possessed by SCP-3335-1 will show marked torpor, emotional dampening, and may experience bouts of catatonia/reduced cognitive function. The other hemisphere seems to be occupied by a unique consciousness. These personalities are highly erratic and self-destructive, often participating in grievous self-hematophagy to the point of expiration.

Because of the continued existence and function of the corpus callosum within the brains of typical SCP-3335-1 instances, significant "cross chatter" can occur, resulting in some level of neurological competition between hemispheres as they "fight" for primary control of various bodily functions. Despite this, neither consciousness appears to be aware of this quality, instead confabulating when pressed for explanation of such behaviors.6 It is completely possible to inform subjects of the nature of their predicament, and how to identify these effects. Unfortunately, atypical behaviors will always be explained away through confabulation. EEG tests suggest transient epileptic disturbances can occur at the boundaries between these shifts in consciousness, which may result in bouts of sudden but temporary retrograde and anterograde amnesia.

ADDENDUM 3335.2: Civilian Interview Record II

ADDENDUM 3335.3: Related Field Operations

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